9 Tips for Designing a Cool Kid's Playhouse
You've recently been thinking about buying or building your kid some kind of outdoor playset that'll get them out of the house and out of your hair for a bit. You want it to be engaging so your child will look forward to being out in the sun, exercising and away from the play station, but you also want it designed to look nice in your yard, and not be an eye sore the Joneses will be secretly talking about.
There are many lame and mediocre play forts out there. What is it that makes a child's playhouse a “good” one? Yes, being kind to your wallet may be an important deciding factor in what the little guy will get, but you don't have to spend a lot of money to get something that'll really engage the child while still making the parent's bank account happy. Listed below are some key places you can focus in on to make your playhouse the best it can be... or at least better than the Joneses. Below are nine tips to get your project to the top!
1. Colors

Colors are hugely sensory by nature. In fact, the human eye is able to pick up about 10,000,000 different shades and hues of them. Bright and vibrant colors encourage activity and are also very important in the animal kingdom from scaring off predators to attracting mates. Your kids are probably too young to be attracting mates with their ornate playhouse, but it'll make their play fort more glamorous and special.
Picking out a good color scheme involves pretty much the same technique as choosing colors for a normal house. All colors have an opposite color that complement each other nicely, and you shouldn't be afraid to try out shades that you wouldn't normally consider. For instance, because red and green are color opposites, they look amazing together. Combine them with a lighter contrasting color for the trim and you'll have yourself a sharp looking playhouse your kids and you will be proud to have. The same applies for orange and blue, violet and lime and polka dots and plaid. Ok, maybe not the later. For more color science and tips, check out colormatters.com.
Don't forget to ask what your kids will like to see too! ;-)
2. Accessories

The most obvious accessories to a playhouse are the slides and the swings. Although slides have to be attached to the playhouse, swings, especially single rope swings can be hung anywhere. From my experience of installing zip-lines and rope swings, kids love, love, love spider swings. Basically a cross form of a hammock and a tire swing, kids go nuts to play on these things. The best part is that you just need a decent branch to hang one rope and you're golden.
Play furniture also make great playhouse accessories, especially if you're building a miniature Victorian dwelling. An accessory list is provided on this website through our amazon store. Check it out!
Below is a video I made of myself giving instructions for hanging a single rope swing. When they're tied high up in the air, they can be a total blast!
3. Sharp Design

When I mention design, I'm really talking about the playhouse's layout, quality, details and size. All four together provide a design that is both appealing for youngsters and durable to make your outdoor investment worth it.
While kid's may accept the simple 8x8 playhouse, they long for the whimsical, the unique and the larger than life designs. Luckily we offer these types of cool backyard projects, and make it as easy as possible to make them become a reality.
4. Layout
As I mentioned before, very often parents purchase a playhouse to give their children a reason to go outside and play. Kid's also very often have extremely short attention spans, which is why TV and video games are so exciting, with their bright colors, simple story lines and quick editing. Because we have to compete with so much stimulating electronic media, it's hard to make the outdoors anything more than mundane.
Kid's need places to explore, decisions to make and an array of things to do. The older the child, the more this becomes important. Your child's clubhouse should have more than just a front door and a window to stare out of.
Maybe it involves a 2nd floor, a fire pole and slide to go down or a tunnel to crawl through. Kids need variety in the activities they involve themselves in with their playhouse to keep boredom from creeping in. Having something that represents a real life grown up object makes for ample imagination fuel too!
5. Quality
How long do you plan on keeping your playhouse? Is it designed to be out in the elements? If you are buying a playhouse kit or hiring a professional, you can be rest assured that it'll last a while, most likely as long as your kids stay kids.
If you're planing on taking up the DIY mantle and building your own kid's playhouse, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Be sure the plans have been designed by a pro who calls for the proper lumber sizes and satisfies basic safety requirements.
If the blue prints call for a shingle roof, the packaging has instructions for the proper shingle layout to keep water from seeping in. If there isn't a traditional roof, make sure to frame the playhouse with pressure treated lumber so that I'll last more than 2 years in the elements. Also be sure to paint or stain your playhouse with an oil based coating for it to last even longer.
6. Details
It's the little things in life that matter, and it's the small (and big) details of your playhouse that can make it go a long way. If you're building a castle themed playhouse, you want it to have battlements, towers and a painted block veneer. Or if you're building a monster truck, it should have huge tires, seats, mirrors and a driver's wheel. Even decorative trim, flower boxes and play furniture fall into this category. What we're really seeking with fun details is a character set that is both fun and alluring; both to kids and adults.
7. Size
Is your child too big for the size playhouse you can afford? Don't bother. Instead invest in a zip line, hammock or something else appropriate for their age. The bigger the child, the more complex and sizable the playhouse should be. Consider also the size of your yard. If there is no room for something bigger than a 6'x6' play fort, it may be wise to spend your money on something else that'll be more engaging. Look into our list of 10 things to consider before building your playhouse for more information!
8. Target your child's interest
Is your son or daughter passionate about something, perhaps to the point of obsession? At the risk of further perpetuating this unhealthy infatuation, there are many options available for building something that caters to their undying vehemence for fire trucks or Victorian mansions.
The play structure plans at Paul's Playhouses come in a large variety of styles, themes and designs. From simple to complex, miniature building types to vehicles and ships, there is something for everyone. Check out our full playhouse catalog. If there is something you don't see, send me a message and you might just see it hosted here in a short while!
9. Shade

If there are no shady areas in your yard, a roofed playhouse with a 2nd floor or a high pitched roof is a good way to trap heat up high and provide a cooler area for your child to play in. Maybe plant a tree too while you're at it. :-)
If you're still not sure what you want to build, try looking into our handpicked list of of our favorite boys and girls playhouse designs!