Top 17 Free Playhouse Plans on the Net

There's quite the variety in the listed plans too. Clubhouses, castles, play-sets, cottages and tree houses make up the roster of cool stuff you can build at little cost. Even if you're a first timer when it comes to carpentry, if you got the basic tools, you'll be able to tackle most of the projects listed below.
Of course, if you're willing to spend a little bit of cash, your possibilities open up considerably. Starting with this website, we offer over 70 different types of plans for sale that range in large scale in terms of size, detail, themes and cost. Basically the more time I spend designing it, the more it's going to cost. However, if you're up for the build, it's well worth it.
All the plans hosted here, both for sale and for free are all in digital format and can be downloaded at anytime and saved to your device.
Other great playhouse plan resources include Woodmanor.net, Familyhomeplans.com, Aplaceimagined.com, Coolhouseplans.com, Treehousesupplies.com, Pirateshipplayhouseplans.com as well as loads of books from the likes of Amazon.
Well, let's dive in shall we?
Far from doing just playhouses, Buildeazy.com has all kinds of quality free plans ready to go on any number of wood projects. If you're looking to build any outdoor furniture or knickknack, check these guys out first. As for kid's play structures, the play cottage makes for an excellent choice for younger children. Not being too large also helps when it comes to saving money on material. Plus that intersection of four hips and valleys is just snazzy.

This one is a bit different from the usual mental image of a backyard playhouse, but it certainly gets the job done, and done well. Comes with two levels and some overhead shelter for when the skies have nothing better to do but drop stuff on your parade. Plenty of step by step instructions with clear images make it a lot harder to get confused on your way to play fort perfection.
3. Backyard Playground
Ah, the traditional residential swing set / play-set. Andy, the math teacher who put these plans together, claims that by using his plans, you'll save over 70% as opposed to buying a swing set from your local box hardware store, and lays his findings out for you to see for yourself. So not only are the plans free, but you won't have to pay for the middleman labor either. Nice!
4. The Outdoor Play-set
Another backyard play-set. blueprint with lots of pictures and instructions. This one even includes a video too! There's also a metric ton of other free designs for all kids of stuff your can build and scatter throughout your house and property, like sheds, chicken coops and furniture. Make sure to check this one out!
5. Kid's Bungalow
Who doesn't want their very own bungalow. Just saying the word is half the fun. This design features a shed roof and square footprint. Lots of pictures, instructions and a material list too. Rayan, the site's main content contributer, created quite a bit more content than just playhouses too. You'd be missing out if you didn't investigate the other useful blueprints housed within.
6. This Old House's Fort
I love this one, and is favorite of the free plans simply because it is so simple. It's a fort and that's pretty much it. No thrills, dohickys or thingamabos. Made from fencing and 2x4, there's nothing really to it, but there it stands. Elementary yet adept. I want one.
7. Popular Mechanic's Playhouse
This one comes straight from a 1985 issue of the Popular Mechanic's magazine. Not quite as intuitive and easy to follow as some other other wares featured above, but the architecture of the playhouse is still pretty unique and worth at least looking at and considering.
8. DIY Clubhouse Play-set
This is probably the most elaborate, ornate and highest value plan on this list. The 19 page PDF goes over every part of the design in detail, from the rafters, shutters, door and swing set. Truely a really beautiful design that can be download for absolutely nothing at all. Definitely one to consider.
9. Children's Playground
A more sophisticated play-set. for the kiddies who have been good all year. Includes a sandbox, exit for a slide, two swing bars and gang plank. For not too much in material cost, you'll soon have a full fledged kid exhaustion work station!
10. Tree house Wood Plans
This one is just cool. While not technically a “tree house” per-say, this composition features an elevated house to achieve a tree house feel. Nothing too crazy, but contains some charming details like a lookout tower, bucket and pulley, ornate door and some other neat stuff. A good value indeed.
11. A-frame Tree House
Another fun tree house plan that now also incorporates a tree into the mix. A-frames are a classic clubhouse design kid's have been building since the beginning of time, and someone got the funny idea to stick it up in a tree. All the illustrations are hand drawn and come with a material list and instructions. Have fun!
12. Ana White Playhouse
This one gets shared a lot around the web and for good reason, these are some solid blueprints to get an inexpensive child's dream home come true. Full material and cut list also take away the hassle if you're new to the carpentry field. After a little paint and roofing shingles, your kids will love you forever, or 3 days. Which ever comes first.
13. Plywood Playhouse
The design of this playhouse wouldn't look out of place if it were designed by the Amish themselves. Features a gable roof, inviting front porch and plenty of windows.Professional and straight forward. Begin by framing out everything and then slapping some plywood on top. The end result is guaranteed to look good in anyone's yard. That is, as long as you got the tools.
14. DIY Playhouse
Sometimes it seems that the more facile a project is, the more love it receives. Simple in layout, but still a looker, this playhouse doesn't feature too many details but offers lots of charm to make up for it. The perfect spot to have a tea party with all of your favorite stuffed animals friends.
15. Sweet Pea Bunk Bed
Yes, there are indoor ones too! Plus it's a bed for not one, but two of your favorite little ones. Aimed at the more feminine demographic, this blueprint really has much to offer in beauty and detail. If you have the time, patience and love for woodworking, this'll make for a really special treat.
16. Reading Nook
If you're really looking for something simple and as little damage to the ol' bank account, this plan is for you. Very few cuts with a circular saw and lots of pillows make up most of this reading retreat. Not quite the best for rainy days, but the compromise is still worth considering.17. "Playhouse Plans Free"
Another great playhouse plan that should not be overlooked. Covers everything from the joists, decking, studs roofing and siding. A truly comprehensive blueprint that will make for a cool project. Plus it's cute.
18. Paul's Outdoor Hideaway
Of course I'm going to include one of my plans in this list too. The outdoor hideaway is a little plain, but in terms of ease to build and damage to your wallet, I haven't heard too many people complain. Don't forget to check out all of my free play plans too!