7 Coolest Kid's Castle Plans on the Net

I looked all over the net to find the best castle blueprints the inter-webs had to offer. I will say I was constantly bombarded by a certain fellow by the name of Ted who kept peddling his pirated compilation of stolen plans, but I digress There were many excellent websites I came across and offered plans, both free and for purchase. Here's my assortment of seven DIY Castle playhouse websites and blueprints for download.
Free Castle Playhouse Plans:
Paulsplayhouses.com Since this is my website blog, I feel no remorse for listing my free castle fortress first. While certainly not the most simple blueprint, it certainly shouldn't give anyone with some power tool confidence a second guess. With less than $200 dollars in materials, it won't thin your wallet to much either. If you are feeling a bit more ambitious, I also offer progressively more and more elaborate, larger and detailed castle clubhouses that I would have loved to have, but must now relent to vicarious adulthood.Popular Science This plan comes from a 1986 copy of Popular Science. Very simple and made just from plywood, I had a bit of a hard time understanding what exacting they were instructing me to do, but the finished product looks pleasant and certainly won't cost you too much to complete. Hey, it's free! We'll take it.
Buildeazy.com The people at Builder offer many excellent, simple and easy to follow step by step blue prints for all types of wood working projects. Their “Kid's Castle Playhouse” is perfect for the younger sets who don't have terribly high demands. Makes for a great addition to a kid's indoor play area.

Ana-White.com Not all these plans have to be strictly for recreation, they can act as a place to sleep too. A perfect project for you and that special little somebody in your life, it comes complete with a slide and stairs. Your child will really feel like the ruler over their domain sleeping up high, behind their castle battlements and curled up in a good book before bed.
Priced Castle Playhouse Plans:
Castleplayhouseplans.com Once money starts changing hands, the size and quality of the blueprints start to increase. That is certainly the case with this website. Offering a 2 level play fort with space for a slide, battlements and a ramp, this play-hut is a noble contender. Plans start at $50.Joesplans.com Joe offers several differing types of forts, structures and plus doll houses for kids. This mid sized castle is great for a family of four. Plans start at $10.