Free Work Bench Plan
A proper work bench isn't something suited just for wood workers or experienced craftsmen, but really for anyone who owns a house or likes to make repairs and tinker with things. There's no need to go out and spend $300-$500 on a prebuilt or fabricated garage bench when building a simple yet highly effective one yourself is so easy. If you consider yourself a DIY type, this home project is certainly a must!
The design below offers a roomy, but not overtly large working space at 5' x 2.5'. A lower shelf of equal size provides quick access to power tools, paint or anything else that is used regularly in your household. At less than $100 to construct, this free work bench plan will provide a handsome addition to your garage, basement or shed!
( 3 ) 2" x 4" x 8'( 4 ) 2" x 4" x 10'
( 1 ) 2" x 4" x 12'
( 2 ) 5/8 Sheet of Plywood
Building the Free Work Bench Plan
Step 1: Framing the Shelves
From (1) 2x4x10, cut two 4' 9" pieces. From (1) 2x4x10, cut two 2' 6" pieces and two 2' 3" pieces. From (1) 2x4x8, cut one 2' 3" piece, two 1' 1 3/4" pieces and two 9 3/4" pieces. Assemble these eleven pieces into the unit shown in the below illustration.
Two of these units will be required.
Step 2: Adding the Legs
From (1) 2x4x12, cut four 3' pieces. Install these four pieces to one of the previous units as depicted in the below illustration.
Step 3: Adding the Plywood to the Lower Shelf
From (1) sheet of 5/8" plywood, cut the piece depicted in the below illustration. All four corners will have the same size notch. Install this piece to the lower shelf as depicted in the 2nd below illustration.

Step 4: Adding the Upper Shelf
Install the 2nd unit to the top of the four 2x4 legs as depicted in the below illustration.
Step 5: Adding Cross Bracing
From (1) 2x4x8, cut two of the piece shown in the below illustration. Install these two pieces to the back of the work bench as depicted in the 2nd below illustration.

Step 6: Adding the Plywood to the Upper Shelf
From (1) sheet of 5/8" plywood, cut a 5' x 2.5' piece. Install this piece to the top of the work bench as depicted in the below illustration.
If you liked this plan, be sure to also look into the free swing-set design, as well as building a clubhouse with a loft!